Snook/robalo (Centropomus spp.) are widely distributed fishes found in tropical/subtropical waters of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific Oceans. Due to the socioeconomic and ecological importance of snook, research has rapidly expanded with >50 scientific papers published since the year 2000. These efforts have provided a wealth of knowledge regarding the life-history, age and growth, reproductive physiology, trophic interactions, genetics, behaviors, and aquaculture practices for multiple species. However, the broad distribution of snook, which spans political borders and multiple languages, has hindered collaborations among different regions. To facilitate information sharing and encourage collaborative research efforts, the goal of this symposium is to bring together a diverse group of researchers studying snook throughout their range. By sharing lessons learned and synthesizing findings from different systems/regions, we can help inform future research and provide information that supports the conservation and management of these socially, economically, and ecologically important fisheries.
Organized by:
- Jennifer Rehage,
- Alexis Trotter,
- Philip Stevens,
- Jordan Massie,
- Michael Allen,