Support Student Travel to LACFC

Next week fisheries scientists and students are gathering in Cancun, Mexico, for the first Latin American and Caribbean Fisheries Congress (LACFC). About one-third of the attendees are students, with the majority of these students traveling from countries and universities where student travel funding is difficult to find or non-existent. In many cases, student travel will be paid for out-of-pocket by the students themselves. We are making one final request of AFS members, friends, and colleagues to donate to support student attendance. These funds will go directly to offset registration costs and, if enough funds are raised, to provide additional travel support.

Please donate any amount using the link below to make a difference in a student’s future today! You can help ensure that up and coming fisheries students can attend the LACFC regardless of income.

Progress toward $3,000 goal

Latin America and Caribbean Fisheries Congress
Congreso Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Pesquerias

Mayo/May 15-18, 2023
Cancun Convention Center, Cancun, Mexico

Registration is now open!
Register before 1 April 2023 to get the Early Bird discount.

Call for Abstracts/Convocatoria de Envío de Resúmenes

Bridging Fish, Fisheries Science, and Conservation Across the Americas

Abstract submission now CLOSED!
Abstract deadline EXTENDED 20 February 2023

Mario Barletta

Federal University of Pernambuco​

Doug Demko


Pablo Arenas Fuentes

Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuacultura​

Marina Marrari

Federación Costarricense de Pesca (FECOP)​

Leo Miranda-Castro

Leo Miranda, LLC​

Enrique Alonso

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership​

Conference Timeline

Session submission open
Session submission closes
Abstract submission open
Registration open
Abstract submission closes
Early registration deadline
Conference begins
6 September 2022
31 October 2022
28 November 2022
12 December 2022
20 February 2023
1 April 2023
15 May 2023

¡Aparta la Fecha!

Save the Date!

Mayo/May 15-18, 2023

Vinculando la conservación y las ciencias pesqueras en América y el Caribe

La Sociedad Americana de Pesquerías convocar a los interesados en la ciencia, gestión y conservación de pesquerías en América Latina y el Caribe para que participen en este importante evento. Se abordarán los sistemas marinos y dulceacuícolas, e incluirán presentaciones orales y en cartel, cursos de capacitación, eventos para estudiantes y mucho más.

Bridging Fish, Fisheries Science, and Conservation
Across the Americas

The American Fisheries Society welcomes all people interested in fisheries science, management and conservation throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to join us for this important event. The Congress will address freshwater and marine systems and include traditional science presentations, training opportunities, student events and much more.

Download the LACFC App

Attendees should download the “American Fisheries Events” mobile app now available from the App Store or Google Play. Once you have logged in and created a profile, you can begin to build out your schedule. Personalized schedules created on either the mobile App or desktop Conference Platform are shared between the two platforms.

Other helpful links:

Plenary sessions will be livestreamed from Cancun—links to these events will be posted on the desktop platform and app a few minutes before the events begin.

Symposium Sessions

Advances in Movement and Population Connectivity of Highly Migratory Fishes in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean
Aquatic Habitat Ecology & Conservation: Continental and Marine Ecosystems Connectivity
Batoids of Latin America and the Caribbean
Billfish Management and Conservation: Implications for Fishing, Tourism, and Coastal Communities
Challenges and Successes in Fisheries Improvement Projects
Characterizing Gulf and Caribbean Marine Recreational Fisheries: Current Management and Future Challenges
Collections and Their Importance in the Global Defaunation Process
Comparing Range-Wide Observations from Snook/Robalo (Centropomus spp.): Fostering Collaboration Through Information Sharing
Connecting Sustainable Fishing/Aquaculture with Sustainable Consumption
Data Science as Empowering Fisheries Knowledge and Sustainability
Dispersal And Movement Behaviour of Young and Small-Bodied Freshwater Fish
Fisheries Bycatch and Discards: RedCID an Iberoamérica and Caribe Network
Fisheries Sustainability Improvement Challenges and Solutions for Small-scale Fishery Communities
Fishery Improvement Projects as a Market-driven Tool to Improve Fisheries Sustainability
Improving Data-Limited, Coastal Fisheries: Realities, Challenges, and Innovation from Latin America Cases
Introduced Salmonids in South America: Distribution, Impacts, and Management
Microplastics: Impacts, Challenges, and Knowledge in Marine Organisms
Recreational Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Opportunities and Challenges
The Giant Fishes of LAC: Natural History, Management, and Conservation
The Status and Trends of the Inland Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean