Workshop Session Fees

Registration Type
Full Day Price
Half Day Price
50 USD/900 MXN
25 USD/450 MXN
40 USD/720 MXN
20 USD/360 MXN

Workshop registration is in addition to the conference fee. Attendees who wish to only attend a session on Monday (but not the full conference) should contact the conference registration team at

Monday, May 15, 2023

8:00 am – 5:00 pm (Full Day)

Introduction to R for Fisheries Analysis

Jason Doll

Francis Marion University
Florence, South Carolina, USA

**Course will be offered in English**

Participants will learn to enter data, organize/summarize data, and analyze standard fisheries data using the FSA package in R. This will be completed by active discussion and demonstration of writing code followed by exercises completed during the workshop. All code and files used in the workshop will be freely available to the attendees so they can easily apply the knowledge and skills obtained during the workshop to their own data.

Length-Based Pseudocohort Analysis (LBPA)

Cristian Canales

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Valparaiso, Chile

**Course will be offered in Spanish**

This course teaches the use of a quantitative fish stock assessment methodology in data-poor fisheries. The used model is based on the analysis of the size compositions of the catches together with the life history parameters. The course dedicates 70% of the time to solving problems with real data from fisheries of interest, through the use of a personal computer. The remaining 30% of the time comprises the delivery of fundamental concepts and discussion of results. Students may bring their own length frequency data. At the end of the course, the student will be able to establish a diagnosis of the state of the stock, estimate the level of population depletion, the level of overfishing, and propose management actions based on the fishing effort control.

Monday, May 15, 2023

8:00 am – 12:00 pm (Half Day)

Biotelemetry Applied to Fish Life History Studies

Thiago Cotta Ribeiro

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, Brazil

The main objective of this course is to transmit to the participants, in a theoretical and practical way, the main steps to carry out a radiotelemetry study with migratory fish: 1) an understanding of the different telemetry modalities and their applications to different situations and questions; 2) sample design; 3) marking via surgery; 4) tracking of tagged fish; 5) data analysis and presentation.

Science Communications: How to Effectively Bring My Research to a Larger Audience

Valentina Ruiz Leotaud

University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada

The topic of this half-a-day workshop is science communications and its importance for accountability, funding and broader public acceptance.

Participants will learn why doing outreach and communicating their science via mass media and social media can be considered part of their job description and how to do it effectively, with a particular focus on press releases for scientific papers/publications, media interviews and multimedia content.

Monday, May 15, 2023

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Half Day)

Digitalización en el sector pesquero: PescaData como herramienta de sistematización y conexión para hombres y mujeres de la pesca

Gabriela Cuevas

Comunidad y Biodiversidad,
A. C. (COBI)
Heroica Guayamas, Sonora, Mexico

Magdalena Précoma

Comunidad y Biodiversidad,
A. C. (COBI)
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Los temas de la sesión incluyen:

a) Ciencia Ciudadana: Descripción general de qué es y cómo podemos colaborar con las comunidades pesqueras para una sostenibilidad social y ecológica
b) Entrando al tema cooperativa de datos: qué es y cómo integrarlo al mar de datos de las pesquerías
c) Innovación para un pesca sostenible y responsable-Innovación Azul. Descripción de que significa esta iniciativa y cómo integra los dos puntos anteriores
d) La entrada al ecosistema digital Innovación Azul-PescaData explicación de la aplicación móvil creada por y para pescadores (as)
e) Elementos de la Aplicación PescaData: Conocimiento y uso de la Aplicación móvil
f) PescaData como generación de información y de acciones colectivas que involucre a todas y todos los actores.

Scientific Writing and Publishing

Steve Midway

Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

**Course will be offered in English**

Nearly all scientists need to write in many need to publish. Yet much of the instruction available is ad hoc and experiential. Formal and dedicated discussion of writing and publishing can be an effective way to remove barriers for developing writers.

This half-day course that covers the basics of scientific writing and the publishing landscape. The scientific writing portion discusses strategies for effective writing across a range of applications. The publishing landscape is a tour of everything a beginner scientist needs to know about publishing their work.