For courses offered during the Latin America and Caribbean Congress on Monday, May 15, 2023 – in Cancun, Mexico. The objective of the LACFC Continuing Education Program, administered by the Professional Development Committee, is to provide attendees with quality opportunities to develop their expertise throughout their careers as fisheries professionals.
Course Proposal & Approval Procedures: Please review the following form carefully, and provide thorough and succinct responses to all requested information.
Note: This form is the primary means by which the conference planning committee evaluates your proposal. Much like a well-constructed abstract enhances a scientific paper, a thoughtful, informative, well-prepared application attests to the quality of the proposed CE offering. The Course Committee will review forms for completeness. If more information is needed, the CEC Chair will send anonymous reviewer comments, suggestions, and questions to the Course Proposer. If the committee’s approval is contingent upon implementing suggested revisions, the Course Proposer will submit a revised Course Approval Form to the Course Contact within two weeks of being notified of the committee’s decision. Conference staff will notify the Course Proposer of the committee’s final decision.
Program Evaluation: All continuing education courses will include an evaluation, to be completed by participants after the course. Conference staff will provide standard evaluation questions; course instructors may add additional questions as needed.
Course Contact: Lauren Maza, Director of Member Programs,
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